The day has finally come! Vintage Religion is hosting a Dia de los Muertos ceremony tonight from 5-9pm. There will be a special lighting for the memorial candles that they generously provided for the community (you just had to send in a photo of your deceased loved one) along with food, music, a muertos face painter, along with a sale on personalized sugar skulls and Mexican artwork.
Today, remember the lives of those you have loved and lost... "To live in hearts we have left behind is not to die" - Thomas Campbell

Stop by after work for some Mexican hot chocolate and see their community altar in person. Also, support a local business that is doing something awesome for others. If you missed out on the free candle this year, bookmark their website to remind yourself for next year.

"From my rotting body, flowers shall grow, and I am in them, and that is eternity"
-Edvard Munch
Lastly, thanks for all the positive feedback on my rOctober series! I am glad that I was able to provide some inspiration and ideas for full enjoyment of the best month of the year. The countdown starts now for Halloween 2011!
xoxo jOisyphene
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