A Micro-Zine for those living on the fringe
A Micro-Zine for those living on the fringe
My zine is called MARGIN because it focuses on those living
on the fringes of society, or those marginalized from the public. I primarily
encompass themes of resilience and resourcefulness in our city of San Diego
(and beyond.) I encourage people to live outsides the lines of what is
expected, and to challenge old methods which segregate diversity. From my
friendships with people of all walks of life, including people with
disabilities, feminists, social workers and citizens, I have created a
empowering zine that is also fun and interactive. I have local contributions of
perspective as well as art, poetry, recipes, and DIY crafts from my network of
social change agents from all over the states. Each edition is themed for
season so these important topics are cushioned with lots of festive material.
In addition, I have created a couple other zines that are
handmade and art based. One of which is a collection of color photographs from
my travels around the various terrains surrounding San Diego. The other, a
booklet of collages I created with my husband.
If you're interested in submitting material or purchasing a membership, let me know!