Dirt! the movie

pent last Wednesday night someplace old, yet new to me... the San Diego Central Library on E street downtown. What a treat to find a free documentary on Dirt, of all things... First of all, this place is a historical gem. I am definitely coming back with my camera, and will post more photos then. But check out this image from it's opening in 1954
Inside, I felt like I had stepped into a scene from The Royal Tennebaums. At a quick glance, lots of neat original mid century features... a speckled sea foam green staircase, revolving door phone booth, tones of tomato red, caramel and rose... some of my favorite color combinations. Anyhow, this documentary ruled; in a terrifying, motivating way. Since then, I can't stop thinking about how little I see "healthy" dirt, and how I really need to get my feet back into it more often. Besides the recent rain, I am way more aware of how under-nourished our desert soil really is, and yearn to live in an overgrown, lush nest somewhere up North. Till then, I can at least pretend I do!
Watch this clip then enjoy some green things inspired by the documentary:
These adorable jars are from Burgon & Ball's online garden shop, and makes me wish my basil plant had made it through this winter
However, their blog Grow with Us is full of great gardening tips for people who can do more than keep succulents alive!
Check out this crafty little terrarium
I love packaging that lasts beyond the life of the food... in this case these tin tea containers make for great windowsill pots for easy urban gardening

Dirt is probably the most undervalued element of this earth, and essentially being the skin of this planet, we need to take better care of it. Deforestation, wars over fertile land, and hundreds of suicides by farmers who can't afford common pesticides, all can be avoided by making small changes in your everyday way of living. Here are some related links worth looking into:
* San Diego Roots
* Sustainable places to eat in San Diego
* TreePeople
* Dirt: the Ecstatic Skin of the Earth by William Bryant Logan
Now, do your homework!

I love reusing those tea tins for plants, that would make a great little herb garden!